Kairos Radio was founded by Brian Philander President and Senior Pastor of Gospel Mission Ministries in the year 2013.

He Received a revelation from God the effectiveness of radio broadcasting and how to use all means necessary to Win the lost for Christ.

With the Holy Spirit's guidance & great leadership KARIOS RADIO are now 10years in existence. It's playlist still consist of only bible base teachings/preaching and gospel music. We live by the slogan "don't compromise

Kairos Radio Mission Outline

1. Introduction

- Overview: Brief introduction to Kairos Radio, its origin, and its core values.

- Mission Statement: "To inspire, uplift, and connect communities through faith-based programming, music, and positive messages that reflect the love and teachings of Jesus Christ."

2. Core Objectives

- Spiritual Enrichment: Provide content that nurtures the spiritual growth of listeners.

- Community Connection: Foster a sense of community and support among listeners.

- Positive Influence: Promote positive values and behaviors through inspirational messages and stories.

3. Programming and Content

- Faith-Based Programs: Daily devotionals, Bible studies, and sermons from various Christian leaders.

- Music Ministry: Diverse selection of Christian music, including worship, gospel, and contemporary Christian songs.

- Inspirational Stories: Testimonies and stories of faith that inspire and encourage.

- Community Spotlights: Highlight local churches, ministries, and community events.

4. Engagement and Outreach

- Interactive Segments: Call-in shows, prayer requests, and listener feedback sessions.

- Social Media Presence: Active engagement on social media platforms to reach a broader audience.

- Community Events: Organize and promote events such as worship nights, charity drives, and community service projects.

5. Partnerships and Collaboration

- Church Partnerships: Collaborate with local churches and ministries for content and events.

- Non-Profit Organizations: Partner with non-profits to support charitable activities and community development.

- Educational Institutions: Work with Christian schools and colleges to provide educational content and opportunities for student involvement.

6. Technological Integration

- Online Streaming: Provide live streaming and on-demand access to programs via the Kairos Radio website and mobile app.

- Podcasting: Offer podcasts of popular shows and special segments for on-the-go listening.

- Innovative Platforms: Explore new platforms and technologies to reach and engage a wider audience.

7. Evaluation and Improvement

- Feedback Mechanisms: Regularly gather and analyze listener feedback to improve programming.

- Performance Metrics: Track key performance indicators such as audience size, engagement levels, and community impact.

- Continuous Improvement: Implement changes and new ideas based on feedback and performance data.

8. Sustainability and Growth

- Fundraising: Develop fundraising strategies, including donations, sponsorships, and grant applications.

- Volunteer Programs: Encourage volunteer involvement in various aspects of the radio station's operations.

- Long-Term Vision: Outline plans for future growth, such as expanding to new regions or launching new initiatives.


Kairos Radio aims to be a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for its listeners, guided by its mission to promote faith, community, and positive values. Through dedicated programming, community engagement, and continuous improvement, Kairos Radio seeks to make a meaningful impact in the lives of its audience.

Win the lost at any cost Mathew 28:19-20. KAIROS RADIO obtained Five licenses and has five branches in Namibia. Our branches are located in these towns; Rehoboth, Keetmanshoop, Aroab, Koes, Gobabis.

We are still in the process of obtaining more licenses by help of the Lord Almighty we believe it will happen soon!!! Namibia will be saved and rest of the world Amen

Enjoy the journey with Us💓

+264 62 52 2587
